Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Physical Security Basic to In-depth Home Computer Security Guide Page 18

Physical Security

The first step in security is considering the physical security of the PC. Maintenance of physical security depends on the location and the budget. Some of the methods by which physical security is provided to the computers are:

·Computer Locks

Now a days PC's are available with a locking feature, which contains a socket in front of the case to unlock and lock the case. This helps us in preventing unauthorized users gain access to the hardware of the PC and also it prevents them booting the system with their own floppy or hardware.

·BIOS Security

BIOS (Basic Input Output System) are built in software, which describes what a computer can do without accessing the programs on the disk. It contains a code which can control the keyboards, monitor, serial and parallel communications and some other functions. BIOS come with a ROM chip in the computer which ensures that it will not be affected in case of disk failures.

Setting BIOS password prevents the unauthorized users from rebooting and manipulating the system. This provides a low level of security as someone can disconnect the batteries and access the BIOS with manufacturers default passwords. But it takes some time for unauthorized users to open case and accessing BIOS which leaves some traces of tampering.

·Many organizations now a days provide tracking and recovery services. These work with the help of software agents in the computer. Whenever a thief connects to the Internet, automatically without his knowledge IP address of the system or the phone number through which he is connecting is sent to recovery service centre.

·A continuous interruptible power supply should be provided to the systems in order to prevent loss of unsaved data during power failures.

·The systems should be placed in a room which is dust free and has a good ventilation to avoid overheating of CPU.

·The PC keys should be secured and not left unattended.

·Do not plug computer directly to the wall outlet as power surges may destroy computer. Instead use a genuine surge protector to plug a computer.

·Check the system input power supply and grounding at least annually to ensure that it meets the manufacturer’s specification.

·Static electricity may affect the integrity and reliability of data and programs processed and stored on equipment, hence antistatic devices should be installed.


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